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Who are you and what do you do?

I am an Artist, a business owner of Fono Art, and a self proclaimed Art Ambassador. Please see our 90 second video on GLOBAL COLORING; Painting Our Peace

What work do you most enjoying doing? Besides painting, I love to study the works of mystics and dabble in conversations pertaining to quantum physics and the cosmos.  My husband and I collect and send children’s books to Fiji where children have none.

Tell us about your project with Down Etc?  Rebecca’s obsession with the color periwinkle is always a good place to start a conversation. Collaborating with Rebecca is always an exciting enterprise.

What was your favorite thing about creating for Down Etc?  I have been friends with Rebecca since 1988. I met Rebecca when her pillow company was just an idea. Watching her accomplish so much and witness her company blossom is a testament to her vision, brilliance and tenacity.

Many moons ago, Rebecca hosted a solo-art show of my “Fono-Flower” series in her San Francisco showroom. I can still remember the rumble of pleasure we all had at the opening where all our friends from all our various worlds showed up to celebrate.

“Celebrations” are another forte of Rebecca’s. In fact, last summer, Rebecca and I met up at a mutual friend’s 50th year extravaganza where the idea of having “bouquets in bed” was conceived. She had me right to work on this idea of creating a “Fono-Flower” bouquet mono-type painting.  I am a Master Printer of Mono-types, which means I paint onto plexiglass and by using a printing press the painting is transferred to piece of paper. Combining my imagery of fantasy flowers with pressings of real leaves and jasmine blossoms, we developed the image for her 2015 Bouquets in Bed campaign.

Why art?  Why not challenge oneself to the ultimate dare to discover one’s voice in color!

What superpower would you have and why?  I am picking the Roman Goddess Clementia the Goddess of Forgiveness and Mercy. She is lesser-known  goddess but ought not to be! In this day in age, I think we can use a whole ton of the gift for “forgiving” with ourselves and others when we judge ourselves and friends for not meeting our ego-ful expectations.

Aren’t we naturally imperfect? So to give people the chance to let go, and see past hurst and misunderstandings wouldn’t that provide some lightness of being?

I would also want to have the superpower of Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, sto operate from my heart.

What is your dream project?  My dream project is to paint the sunrises and sunsets around the world. With my husband, I wish to drive in a caravan with an art studio on the roof, through as many countries as possible, and capture that exquisite, universal moment of purity

Updated Links August 3, 2022



I know what you're thinking: there are no rules in a pillow fight! Okay, this may have been true when you were a child, substantially less devious, and under parental supervision, but it’s a good i...

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