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Jan 17, 2025

Is Negative Energy Ruining Your Sleep? Here’s What You Can Do About It

Is Negative Energy Ruining Your Sleep? Here’s What You Can Do About It

Article: Is Negative Energy Ruining Your Sleep? Here’s What You Can Do About It

Creating a positive atmosphere will make it easier to get the sufficient, quality sleep necessary for your overall health and well-being. To create a positive atmosphere, you’ll want to eliminate the negative energy and surround yourself with the furniture and possessions that allow the positive energy to flow.

Enhance the Positive Energy in Your Bedroom

You’re probably aware that piles of laundry and medicine bottles on the counter can cause you stress when you’re awake. What you may not realize is the ways in which these things can create negative energy in your bedroom that can harm your sleep. There are a few actions you can take to create positive energy in your bedroom.

1.   Clear Away Clutter

When preparing a bedroom for great sleep, we follow the Five R’sremove, reorganize, refresh, replace, and relaxas we detail in our article linked below. The goal of these actions is to eliminate clutter, which can create a stress response. In an interview for the American Psychological Association website on why clutter stresses us out, Deacon Joseph Ferrari, PhD, professor of psychology at DePaul University, defined clutter as “an overabundance of possessions that collectively can create chaos and disorderly living spaces.” Ferrari has found “there’s a negative correlation between life satisfaction and clutter.” The greater the clutter, the greater the stress. Additionally, women seemed to be negatively affected to a greater degree by stress from clutter than men, according to Neuroscience News.

Keeping your belongings organized or, at least, in drawers and closets, can prevent clutter from being the last thing you see at night and the first thing you see in the morning. Experts also recommend making your bed every morning so that you have one accomplishment behind you. It also means you’ll have a made bed to look forward to climbing into at night.

2.   Consider Soft Bedroom Lighting

Sleep experts recommend a dark room for sleep and eye masks to eliminate ambient light from outside or electronics in the bedroom; however, you can go one step further by choosing soft, warm lighting in your bedroom. Install dimmable lights overhead or at the bedside and choose lightbulbs with soft, warm tones. You can look at the information on lightbulb boxes when making your choice. The temperature of lighting is measured in degrees of Kelvin (K). Consider a warm white between 2000K and 3000K for the bedroom.

3.   Choose Muted Colors

We’ve shared the reasons hotels choose white linens including ease of cleaning and the feeling of cleanliness they provide. They also create a sense of peacefulness. Bedding in muted colors is recommended for a calm and restful feeling in the bedroom. That doesn’t mean you can’t show your style with the addition of pops of colors so long as it doesn’t affect your sleep.

4.   Consciously Place Furniture

Look for balance and symmetry in the way you organize your furniture. According to feng shui experts, the bed should be placed in a commanding position so you can see the door without being directly in line with the door, you should avoid underbed storage that impairs the flow of energy around the bed, you should have a solid headboard, and you should create symmetry around the bed when possible, with nightstands and lamps on each side.

You’ll want to place exercise equipment and your work desk in another room or, at least, in an area separated from your bed by a screen or curtain. Neither provides the energy you need to relax into a good night’s sleep.

5.   Combine Nature and Sacred Objects

We love seeing flowers in the morning for their mood-boosting powers; however, some feng shui experts believe plants and flowers have too much energy for the bedroom. Consider placing plants or flowers in the bathroom so you can see them in the morning and there is no fear of negatively affecting the energy of the bedroom.

Crystals have been sought for their healing properties for thousands of years. Even in the absence of scientific studies supporting their benefits, people continue to look to crystals for positive associations. Each crystal is recognized by practitioners for its unique properties, including enabling the flow of positive, healing energy into the body and creating a connection between the user and the natural world, according to an article on healing crystals in howstuffworks.

Bedrooms may have the right conditions for storing medicineslow heat and humidity; however, the sight of medicines is not necessarily conducive to a calm and soothing bedroom. If you keep your medicines in the bedroom, you might consider organizing them in a beautiful box or keeping them in a drawer or cabinet.

A favorite pillow to hug can provide soothing benefits, as we discuss in our article linked below. The benefits of hugging a pillow include the soothing feeling of a sleeping partner without the added heat or snoring, the proper positioning for comfortable sleep, and the creation of a connection to something tangible.

6.   Contain Technology to the Extent Possible

Try to disconnect from technology in the 60-90 minutes before bed. If possible, remove your laptop and cell phone from the bedroom. Placing them out of sight makes it somewhat easier to resist the urge to reach over and check your messages one last time before you go to sleep or each time you return from a visit to the bathroom. If you cannot leave your cell phone off or in another room as you need to be available for any emergency calls from children or parents, limit notifications and calls to those people at night.

The effects of radio waves from cellphones was addressed by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health, in an article on whether the use of cell phones causes cancer. The article explains that the radiofrequency emitted by cell phones “all fall in the nonionizing range of the spectrum, which is low frequency and low energy.” Unlike ionizing radiation from x-rays, the energy from cell phones is too low to damage DNA. While the human body does absorb energy from radiofrequency radiation from cell phones, the only recognized effect of absorption in humans of that radiofrequency radiation “is heating to the area of the body where a cell phone is held.” That has not been found to be dangerous. Nonetheless, you might want to place your cell phone in one of our cell phone sleeping bags at the opposite end of the bedroomas opposed to the nightstand where it will be next to your headsimply to make it less likely you’ll grab it on a whim.

Cheers to a bedroom that looks beautiful and feels even better.

-The Team at down etc

Read more:

5 Luxury Hotel Housekeeping Tips for Preparing Your Bedroom and Guestrooms for the Fall (the 5 “R’s”)

Why Do Hotels Use White Bed Sheets?

5 Benefits of Hugging a Pillow

Flower Power: The Positive Effect of Flowers on Our Emotional Well-Being

DISCLAIMER: You should not rely on any of the foregoing as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical or health and wellness advice, diagnosis, or treatment by a healthcare professional. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional or medical advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist, such as a licensed physician, psychologist, or other health professional. Never disregard the medical advice of a physician, psychologist, or other health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of the information or content offered or provided on the Site. The use of the Site and all information and content contained thereon is solely at your own risk. 


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