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Dec 1, 2022

Down Etc Becomes an Alliance Partner of the Historic Hotels of America®

Down Etc Becomes an Alliance Partner of the Historic Hotels of America®

Article: Down Etc Becomes an Alliance Partner of the Historic Hotels of America®

Historic Hotels of America® Treasures History

Down Etc was recently invited to become an Alliance Partner to the Historic Hotels of America and Historic Hotels Worldwide. “Historic Hotels of America® is the official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation for recognizing, celebrating, and promoting the finest historic hotels in the United States of America.” The 300 hotels from 44 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico inducted into the Historic Hotels of America have one thing in common, they all treasure their history. From hosting the first Academy Awards to boasting the first miniature golf course in America, historic hotels provide a rich and wonderful trove of stories. They also exhibit culinary traditions that have passed the test of time from “The Original Boston Cream Pie from Omni Parker House” to “The Brown Hotel’s Legendary Hot Brown.”

Inclusion in the Historic Hotels of America

Beyond the requirement that they be at least 50 years old, a hotel must be designated by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior as a National Historic Landmark or listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places to be inducted into the Historic Hotels of America. These hotels must be recognized as having historical significance and “faithfully preserve their sense of authenticity, sense of place, and architectural integrity.”

The Annual Conference Was an Historic Success

Down Etc was a proud to be a Sponsor of the 2022 Historic Hotels Annual Conference held at the Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa from November 14-18, 2022. The Annual Conference is “the only global educational conference for owners, general managers, asset managers, and other senior leaders and decision makers of historic hotels.” This year, the Annual Conference was held at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear, Alabama. Opened in 1847, the Grand Hotel has been known as The Queen of Southern Resorts for over 175 years. The Grand Hotel received two of the eighteen Awards of Excellence for Hotel Historian of the Year and Ambassador of the Year. These awards reflect the pride with which those who work at historic hotels view their hotels. 

At the conference, Greg MacGillivray, Chairman of MacGillivray Freeman Films, American Film Director, and enthusiastic ocean conservationist, was named the Recipient of the 2022 Historic Hotels of America Historian of the Year Award. “This Award is presented to an individual for making a unique contribution in the research, and presentation of history and whose work has encouraged a wide, if not provocative, discussion and greater understanding of the history and the diverse heritages and cultures of our nation and the world.” 

You may recognize the name MacGillivray, if you have had the opportunity to see one of the 40 IMAX films that he and his partner Jim Freeman have created. “Since the 1976 production of his first IMAX film, To Fly!, MacGillivray has produced some of the most enduring films in the giant-screen genre. He has shot more 70mm film than anyone in cinema history and is the first documentary filmmaker to reach the $1 billion benchmark in worldwide ticket sales. MacGillivray has received two Academy Award nominations for Best Documentary Short Subject: first in 1995 for The Living Sea, and then in 2000 for Dolphins.”

Down Etc Brings 20 Years of Bedding Expertise to the Alliance

Historic Hotels of American relies on its Alliance Partners for their expertise in their individual areas of the hospitality industry, in addition to their quality products. Staying current through the resources of its Alliance Partners is one of the strengths of the members of the Historic Hotels of America.

Down Etc has been a leading supplier of bedding and bath products to luxury hotels around the world for over twenty years. After years of accumulating knowledge from experts in the hospitality industry, the Team at Down Etc put what we had learned into writing in Roll Into a Perfectly Made Bed: All You Need to Know About the Art of Bedmaking. This book is aimed at the workers around the world who make beds every day for a living, as well as for the homemakers who make beds every day for their families.

We look forward to continuing to learn from and share knowledge with members of the Historic Hotels of America and you!


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